The Origin and Popularity of IKEA’s Hot Dog

IKEA, the well-known furniture store, has been serving food since 1959 to keep customers satisfied during their shopping experience. The hot dog made its debut in the 1980s and quickly gained a following. Many shoppers claim they can’t leave the store without getting one.

The low prices at the IKEA bistro may seem surprising, with a hot dog costing as little as 75 cents or a dollar. However, 30% of their customers visit IKEA just to eat, contributing to the $2.3 billion turnover of IKEA Food in 2017. The hot dogs encourage people to stay longer and potentially buy more. Moreover, the low price makes it easier to purchase multiple hot dogs for oneself or friends and family.

IKEA’s hot dogs are under 300 calories, with the Swedish take containing 16 grams of fat, 6 grams of saturated fat, 40mg of cholesterol, 750 mg of sodium, 23 grams of carbs, and 11 grams of protein. The low calorie count is part of IKEA’s commitment to providing healthy food at affordable prices. In the US, IKEA hot dogs are made of both beef and chicken, despite being advertised as 100% beef.